Questionnaire on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence

“AI is the ability of a machine to display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.

AI enables technical systems to perceive their environment, deal with what they perceive, solve problems and act to achieve a specific goal. The computer receives data – already prepared or gathered through its own sensors such as a camera – processes it and responds.

AI systems are capable of adapting their behaviour to a certain degree by analysing the effects of previous actions and working autonomously.”



Types of Artificial Intelligence

Software: Chabot-like language models (e.g. ChatGPT), virtual assistants, image analysis software, search engines, facial and speech recognition systems.

Embedded artificial intelligence in machines: Robots, personal digital assistants, drones, Internet of Things including toys, home appliances, etc.


Questionnaire on Artificial Intelligence

Please fill in the questions below.

When you have completed the questionnaire, please press the “Submit” button.

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    Questions about you and your experience
    1. Country where you teach:

    2. Gender:*

    3. What is your age? :*

    4. How many years of teaching experience do you have? *

    5. What grade(s) do you mostly teach? (more than one choice is allowed) *

    6. What subject(s) do you teach? (more than one choice is allowed) *

    7. Place of residence: *

    Questions about artificial intelligence in education:
    1. How familiar are you with technology? *

    2. How often do you use technology in the educational process? (Scale 0-4: 0 denotes ‘Not at all’ and 4 denotes ‘Very often’.) *

    3. Have you used tools in the educational process that include artificial intelligence? *

      1. If so, do you understand how the specific algorithms work in order to use the systems efficiently and safely?*

      2. For what purpose have you used artificial intelligence tools in the educational process? (more than one choice is allowed) *

    4. Have you noticed whether your students use artificial intelligence tools for their study? *

      1. 4.1. Why do you think your students use artificial intelligence tools in their preparation and study? (more than one choice is allowed) *

    5. Have you noticed if your students use artificial intelligence tools outside their school activities? *

      1. What do you believe is the reason your students use artificial intelligence tools beyond their school activities? (more than one choice is allowed)*

    6. Are you aware of any potential risks arising from your students' use of artificial intelligence tools in general? (not necessarily in the educational process) *

      1. What types of risks have you identified in relation to your students' use of artificial intelligence tools? *

    7. Does your school use artificial intelligence systems for administrative tasks (student registration, grades, absences, etc.)? *

      1. Are there mechanisms in place to ensure that personal and sensitive personal data are adequately protected?*

    Questions about the future of artificial intelligence in education:
    1. How much do you think artificial intelligence will affect the educational process in the future? (Scale 0-4: 0 denotes ‘Not at all’ and 4 denotes ‘Very much’.) *

    2. What positive ways, in which artificial intelligence could affect the educational process in the future, do you consider to be the most important? (more than one choice is allowed) *

    3. What negative ways, in which artificial intelligence could affect the educational process in the future, do you consider to be the most important? (more than one choice is allowed) *

    4. What are your biggest concerns about the use of artificial intelligence technologies by children and young people in the future (not just in education)? (up to two answers) *

    5. Would you like more guidance to enrich your knowledge and skills in using artificial intelligence tools in education? *

    6. How could educators be more effectively trained on artificial intelligence systems? *